My family just returned from a 3-day camping trip today, and while it was so much fun, I am SOOOO glad to be home and clean!! And I can't wait to sleep in my own bed! I took so many pictures - I don't know how I'll ever get them all scrapped!
I just wanted to pop in and let you all know about Laurie's newest kit. It's called Magic Moments and I absolutely LOVE it! I had so much fun playing with it. It's a Mickey Mouse themed kit, but don't walk away if you don't have Mickey Mouse pictures. Laurie works really hard to make her kits as versatile as possible, and this one is no exception. I used it to scrap pictures of my kiddos watching fireworks on the 4th of July. Take a look!
There are so many great elements and word tags in this kit. The fireworks are just awesome! The whole color theme is great too. You won't want to miss this one, especially since it's on sale for 20% off until Friday. Here is a look at the entire kit - click on the preview to head to Laurie's store. And grab a fun freebie at Laurie's blog too!